How confidential are my personal details?

Christ Church, and the ChurchSuite company themselves, are fully compliant with the Data Protection Act. A copy of our Data Protection & Privacy Notice can be found here. The details of Church Suite’s Privacy Statement is here and their Database security information here.

Church members may access their own individual details but have the option of making their address and contact details (email and telephone) available to other Christ Church members.

Group leaders can distribute information and meeting details to their group members from within MyChurchSuite without having to set up distribution lists in their personal email.  Replies will come to the group member’s personal email in the usual way. Emails sent from ChurchSuite to groups only show an individual recipient’s email address, ensuring that emails are fully compliant with best practice in data protection.

The rotas recorded on ChurchSuite can only be seen by other members on that rota.

A small number of church officers are designated administrators for ChurchSuite and therefore have wider-access to personal data on the main database.  They are the electoral roll officer; church wardens; church administrator and 2 PCC members.  Collectively this group maintain ChurchSuite and act as system managers.  This is less than the same number of individuals with previous access to the Electoral Roll.